
Our high technology infrastructure will provide our clients a rare rapid execution rate that is not commonly found outside of major hedge funds or investment banks. Efficient and fast Equinix servers allow usage of multi-tiered bid/offer proprietary aggregation technology. This allows our clients to exploit different liquidity providers through the constant process of the live interbank spread quotes along with full integration with our institutional framework.

When a trader places an order, to make sure they get the most competitive price, the system will process the order with the cheapest current liquidity provider we have in our system at the moment. Our Equinix servers runs all the algorithms which means no matter which trading platform, our engine will facilitate an efficient integration of data and information low every time a trade is executed.

In today’s market, the most successful traders use the best technology.

We consider this statement to be paramount. As such, we deliver clients the ultimate trading advantage, offering:

  • Proprietary aggregation software
  • Institutional level spreads
  • Deep-pool liquidity
  • Depth of Market
  • Lowest possible latency
  • 3 dedicated Equinix Servers located in New York (NY4), London (LD5), Tokyo (TY3)
  • Institutional grade, high-load servers removing the possibility of a bottleneck
  • Geographically advantaged speed because of the location to the exchange
  • The most reliable currency trading system available, with multiple fail-safes.

Latest operational technology and hardware

  • Straight Through Processing (STP) for the quickest possible virtual route for you trade orders and minimal latencies
  • Electronic Communication Network (ECN) for the fastest internal communication speeds
  • Fibre Optic connected systems. To make sure all of our systems work perfectly when integrated, they are connected in entirety by Fibre Optic Cabling
  • No-dealing desk (NDD) broker entirely removes the conflict of interest

* To ensure execution speed our servers are located a close as possible to the most important exchanges, New York (NY5), London (LD3), Tokyo (TY3).